![Photo of Part-Time Custodian](https://res.cloudinary.com/luminlife/image/upload/v1673533330/artist/2351/cover_photo.jpg)
Part-Time Custodian is a 4 piece indie rock band from New Jersey. With a diverse catalog of material and poetic lyrics they are perhaps best described as Language Arts Rock.
Part-Time Custodian is an indie rock band from New Jersey. In a short period of time they have built a diverse catalog of songs that have caught the ear of new fans across the tri-state area. Some have said their sound has a Counting Crows/Wallflowers vibe. Totally fine with that. Mike has a degree in English Lit (nice call) and Joe is married to a Librarian, so perhaps the best way to define their sound is "Language Arts Rock". They will be releasing their second EP in Spring of 2023 and touring in support of it throughout the Northeast.
Art type: Live Music
Music type: Original Music
What this Artist plays most of the time
Genre: Indie RockAlternativeFolk
Home base: Denville
Appeals most (but not limited) to: Lates 20-earlys 30s. Late 40s and above. Baby Boomers love us!!
Top Venues Performed/Exhibited *
Transparent Clinch Galley Asbury Park
Rockwood Music Hall NYC
The Grape Room Philadelpha
* Unverified
Events booked with Stagehand
Upcoming Events
No upcoming events
Currently booking concert series and festivals throughout the Northeast for Spring/Summer 2023
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